Img 1875 Priceimprovement 01

112 S 24th Street, Bismarck ND

Check out this space located just South of Main Avenue in Bismarck. This space currently is set up to be a bank and features an open reception/teller area, 10 private offices, conference room, large kitchen for entertaining or staff break room, and more!

112 S 24th Street, Bismarck ND

Check out this space located just South of Main Avenue in Bismarck. This space currently is set up to be a bank and features an open reception/teller area, 10 private offices, conference room, large kitchen for entertaining or staff break room, and more!

Additional Information


The Details

Tax ID: 0105-040-035

Year Built: 1963

Legal: GOVERNOR PIERCE Block: 40 21-24 & E10’ VAC ALLEY A

Building Size: 4,800 SF

Lot Size: 15,000 SF

Zone: MA - Light Industrial